Roe Edwards Farm will plant orchards of chestnut trees on March 22-23, 2024, starting at 9:00 AM daily. Chestnuts offer numerous benefits, including high nutritional value, sustainability, and versatility in culinary applications. Additionally, they contribute to ecosystem health by promoting biodiversity and enhancing soil quality. Join us for this exciting initiative to cultivate chestnut orchards and reap the rewards of sustainable agriculture. Don't hesitate to contact Carolyn E. Ford at 229-854-3522 or Sabrina Edwards at 229-886-7899 for additional information.

Please see directions:  (Approximately 5 miles west of Smithville)

Traveling Hwy 19 North, entering Smithville, make a left on Church Street. Outside the city limits, the street turns into Airport Road; you will cross the bridge and pass a double-wide home on the left (Slow down). The Roe Edwards Farm Chestnut Orchard is on the left. 

Traveling Hwy 19 South, entering Smithville, make a right on Church Street.